Thursday, 22 August 2013

Running Ultrasurf in Ubuntu

Proxy servers become handy when you want to unblock a website or when you want to automate website querying. Ultrasurf provides the functionality of a proxy server. It runs a local proxy server at Here is the IP address (localhost) and 9666 is the port used by the local Ultrasurf proxy server. You can change your browser proxy settings to point to this proxy server and start browsing.

Ultrasurf is a very useful tool if you are looking for secure proxy connections and if you have the need to change the proxy servers frequently.

In this article I present the steps to run ultrasurf in Ubuntu.

I used the following in the steps described in this article:

1. ubuntu 12.04 lts

2. ultrasurf 13.01

3. wine 1.5


1. Install wine 1.5 using terminal/command prompt - use folllowing commands in the given sequence
    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install wine1.5
Please check for more information on wine!

2. Download ultrasurf from and extract to any folder you prefer.

3. Run ultrasurf by double-clicking on the executable ultrasurf file u1301.exe. Alternately, the application can be launched by the following command:
    $ wine u1301.exe

In one of my upcoming posts, I will explain how Ultrasurf can be used along with python programming language to auomate website queries.

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